Can vaping hurt your teeth and gums?

Vaping is becoming more popular every day with adults, teens, and kids getting in on the act. As a result, because long-term studies have not been conducted, there is no solid evidence yet as to the long-term effects of E-Cigarette use.
Can vaping hurt your teeth and gums?

Can vaping hurt your teeth and gums?

According to Timberview Dentistry, E-Cigarettes also contain nicotine. Nicotine causes dry mouth, which in turn can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. If that isn’t enough, nicotine use can hurt the brain in teens and kids.

What is In an E-Cigarette for Vaping?

  • Nicotine
  • Diacetyl, a flavoring is a chemical that has been linked to lung disease
  • Artificial flavoring
  • Ultrafine particles are inhaled into the lungs
  • Volatile organic compounds
  • Lead
  • Tin
  • Nickel and other heavy metals

According to recent studies, vaping is just as bad as smoking tobacco. Furthermore, as e-cigs continue to grow in popularity among teens, young adults and reformed smokers, scientists are discovering that e cigarettes could be opening your lungs to the flu.

When an E-cigarette is burned, inflammatory proteins are released into your cells. This can result in a variety of oral diseases including gingivitis and the more serious periodontal disease. How often and how much you vape will determine how much damage you have caused your teeth and gums. The flavorings can also cause damage to your teeth and gums. Mixed with nicotine, which is known to cause gum issues, some of the flavorings could put you in the high-risk category for periodontal disease.

When cell culture studies were conducted on vaping liquids, evidence showed that the liquids used for vaping could consequently affect the connective tissue and ligament cells in a negative way. Due to the proteins in the vapor, it could affect DNA.

In conclusion, while more studies are needed to determine the damage that vaping can do to your teeth and gums, there is evidence that e-cigarettes can be dangerous to your oral health.

In addition, Dr. Julie Storm will examine your teeth and gums to determine if vaping has caused damage to your oral cavity.

If you would like more information regarding vaping and oral health, call or click and schedule an appointment with Timberview Dentistry.

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