Timberview dentistry

Category: General Dentistry

Your breath could be the problem

Your breath could be the problem

If those party invitations are few and far between, it could have something to do with your breath. Chronic halitosis affects millions of people all over the world and is a multibillion-dollar industry, but unfortunately, those toothpastes, mouthwashes, and breath mints only mask the problem.

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You don't have to live with sensitive teeth

You don’t have to live with sensitive teeth

If you have sensitive teeth, you do not have to deal with pain and agony for the rest of your life. According to your dentist, there are some things that you can do to help ease tooth sensitivity. Whether you are enjoying an ice cream cone or digging into a delicious dish of homemade apple pie with whipped cream, tooth sensitivity doesn’t have to plague you for life.

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Can vaping hurt your teeth and gums?

Can vaping hurt your teeth and gums?

Vaping is becoming more popular every day with adults, teens, and kids getting in on the act. As a result, because long-term studies have not been conducted, there is no solid evidence yet as to the long-term effects of E-Cigarette use.

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