Have you been avoiding denture reline

A Denture Reline is inevitable. Putting off a denture reline could make things worse. According to Timberview Family Dentistry, avoiding your dentist in Chicago for a denture reline could also end up costing you more. Had you spent less than hour in the chair a month ago, you probably would have been happier.
Have you been avoiding denture reline?

Have you been avoiding denture reline

A Denture Reline is inevitable. Putting off a denture reline could make things worse. According to TimberView Family Dentistry, avoiding your dentist in Midwest City for a denture reline could also end up costing you more. Had you spent less than hour in the chair a month ago, you probably would have been happier.

What is a Denture Reline?

A denture reline is an affordable and simple dental procedure that is used to reshape the denture on the underside. This makes the dental appliance more comfortable when resting against the gums. Dr. Julie Storm from Timberview Family Dentistry explains that there are three types of denture relines, soft, hard, and temporary.

Soft Denture Reline

A soft reline uses dental materials that will require more adjustments, but are more comfortable. People who have avoided a denture reline in the past may have sore spots. If this is the case, a hard reline that uses hard materials isn’t the best option. Dr. Storm will use a pliable material that will last for a couple of years. The waxy to rubbery materials are good alternatives to the acrylic materials that dentures are from.

Hard Denture Reline

A hard reline is similar to a soft reline as it reshapes the denture, but is done so with materials that hardens the base of the denture. This results in a more permanent fix that can last much longer than a soft reline.Made from acrylic or other materials, hard relines are best for people who are free from mouth sores or other complications caused from dentures.

Temporary Denture Reline

If you haven’t been to the dentist in some time, you could be dealing with sore and red gums. Dr. Storm may recommend a temporary reline using medication that will help reduce gum inflammation. Hopefully, your gums will be healthy enough for a hard or soft reline or a new denture in the near future.

Don’t put off a denture reline. Doing so could mean the difference between a hard or soft reline. Call or click and schedule a denture reline appointment with Timberview Dentistry today.

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