Invisalign Lens – Enhanced Remote Treatment Monitoring

invisalign lens

Invisalign Lens – Enhanced Remote Treatment Monitoring

You’re probably already familiar with Invisalign – a popular alternative to traditional metal braces that can straighten teeth and improve your smile. The system uses a series of clear, removable aligners that gradually shift the teeth into their desired position. One of the newest developments in the Invisalign system is the Invisalign Lens, which promises to make the aligner treatment even more precise and effective. In this blog, we will explore what the Invisalign Lens is and its benefits.

What is Invisalign Lens?

Invisalign Lens is a small device designed to attach to smartphones to enable patients to easily take photos of their teeth. It uses the latest 3D scanning and imaging technology to capture real-time images of a patient’s teeth while they are wearing the aligners. TimberView patients then use the My Invisalign app to upload their photos to the Invisalign Doctor Site for review by Dr. Storm.

What are the benefits of Invisalign Lens?

One of the main benefits of Invisalign Lens is that it allows for more precise and accurate aligner treatment. Because the device takes real-time images of the teeth, it can capture even the smallest changes in tooth position. This allows for a more accurate and precise treatment plan that can result in better outcomes for patients.

Invisalign Lens can also help to reduce the number of office visits required during the treatment process. Because the device captures real-time images of the teeth, it allows TimberView to monitor your treatment remotely. This means that patients may need fewer in-person visits, which can be more convenient and save time.

Invisalign Lens is a new and exciting development in the world of clear aligner treatment, and only available in select dental offices currently, with ours being one of them! By using real-time imaging technology, the device can create more precise and accurate treatment plans that can result in better outcomes for our patients. Additionally, the device can save time, improve efficiency, and reduce the number of office visits required during the treatment process. If you are considering clear aligner treatment, be sure to ask us about the benefits of Invisalign Lens.

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